
Sri Shastriji at Siddhashram Schweibenalp, May 11, 1985
Shastriji answers questions continued:

Q: How do the mantras work on the body: Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Haidiyakhandi, and Om Hrim Shrim Haidakhandeswaryai Namaha?

A: I have mentioned before that whatever is outside in the universe, is also in the body. The same way, there is a place for each deity in the human body. It has its place there, like Lord Shiva, like Lord Haidakhandi, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, the Divine Mother, Isamasai (Jesus Christ), all the divine beings, all the gods have a place, a seat, in the human body. And the maker of this body has also given keys to these different places and these keys have different numbers ñ the mantras ñ to open the places with these keys, so as to reach that particular God. Sri Shastriji says that these different letters and these different words have different ways of reaching different places of your body through all the channels of your veins. They are carried along by the five airs, "vyana," "apana," "prana," "udana," "samana."

 They pierce through with your breathing at one spot, piercing that spot and reaching the deity residing there. By repeatedly repeating this mantra, this name, you create a sort of collection of energy there, and the key fits the lock and the number of the lock opens. The greatest of great yogis used to do this kriya, this work, to open the different chakras by repeating these mantras. But the sages of ancient times realized that by doing these different mantras to reach different gods, it will take a very, very long time. So they started experimenting with different letters, with different mantras, and they created many, many mantras, to see which was the quickest, fastest way to reach that spot. In the same way we are trying to develop all the nuclear weapons: all the scientists of the world are concentrating on finding out how to create the most expedient weapon. The same way these mantras can act. Om Haidiyakhandi (three times) is the ultimate Divine Mother, the great knowledge and mistress of all the then great types of knowledge. In this world there are different kinds of religions, different kinds of people and they all believe in God in different aspects, by different names, but the whole world acknowledges the Divine Mother. Her worship is offered with the same kind of ritual everywhere. You will ask how and why?

You will see in the early morning all the young children, girls and boys. They will all collect their books and get ready to go to school. When it is office-time, all the doctors, judges, all the lawyers, and all the businessmen will pick up their files and go to their offices. This identical system exists in Russia, America, India, Switzerland, Japan, everywhere. This is the worship of the Divine Mother Saraswati who is the chief giver of all knowledge. She is the mistress of knowledge. Whether it is in India, Russia, or any other part of the world, all the children, the elders, in order to gain knowledge, have to go to their place of work with their books. They have to pray to the Divine Mother called Saraswati. The world over, all businessmen go to their factories, their offices, their shops, or wherever. They all worship the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of money. The world over, all businessmen have the same attitude. When a customer comes, he is talking to a customer. I mean explaining everything to him, but in his mind he has this one thought, "The sooner I sell him my goods and the sooner I get this money into my pocket, the better it is."

This is the same everywhere, a kind of sadhana, like the yogis who are sitting and waiting, doing their sadhana to reach Brahma. In the same way a businessman is sitting at his place of work from morning til evening, trying to get your money into his pocket. This is the worship of Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity. All the armies in the world, every defense budget, is being established to create new weapons, and all armies are doing their marching "left-right-left-right"  everyday without fail. They are guarding all the borders, and you will see the soldiers trying out new weapons, new guns, new tanks. New airplanes are being flown and new atom bombs and nuclear weapons are being created every day, the world over. Isn't this the sadhana of Mahakali, the Goddess of destruction? All the world over, each and every human being, in some form or other, does a sadhana, offering worship to the Divine Mother, Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity, and Mahakali, the Goddess of destruction. There is no exception in this anywhere. The only difference is how and where, in which manner you offer your worship. There are different forms and different rituals, that's all, but otherwise the whole world is offering, worshipping that divine energy of Paramba, the great Divine Mother.


NAVARATRI-- who knew there was a SUMMER Navaratri?  It's the halfway point between spring and fall Navaratri.  Official name is ASHAD NAVARATRI
 (it makes sense; just never heard of it before, and there is always PLENTY more to learn!)

Today, July 18, begins the observance of SUMMER NAVARATRI.
This continues through July 26.  Daily prayers and ceremonies honoring the Divine Mother are a very profitable investment during this special auspicious time.

Divine Mother makes Herself more available to us during this time period.

Exact translation of the word "Navaratri" is "9 nights".  If you have the Navaratri ebook/digital package in your possession, you can actively participate in the NINE NIGHTS very easily, or you can order the book from our website (instant download!) here:
There are more than nine aspects to this multimedia package-- check it out at above link.

The first three nights are dedicated to Mother Kali, Goddess of Purification.  

MANTRA:  Om Shri Maha Kali Namah

Take the opportunity to purify your mind/heart with the mantra, purify your living space, purify your relationships, and remove the unused, no-longer-needed items from your life. 
Read the Sapta Sati each day and observe the positive changes in your life!

Free Download:

You can also purchase the RECORDING of Sapta Sati recited by the Haidakhandi Tour Group in our DOWNLOADS section at, and it is included in the Navaratri Package.

Sapta Sati Introduction
From the Introductory page of the Haidakhandeshwari Sapta Sati......

Om Namah Shivaya
He who is adorned with all the divine perfections; the ultimate Being, who
gives all; the Supreme Yogi; the Swan of Knowledge, who lives in the heart
of the knowing; the Supreme Teacher of the Art of Yoga; the Lord of the
Universe, whose sanctuary is Kashi (Benares); the Lord who dwells in the
sacred cave of Mt. Kailash, the King of Sages, the Lord of Haidakhan gives
and says:
"The Great Power that is the cosmic Maya, the Supreme Divine Energy, the
Mother Goddess of Haidakhan embodies the totality of all that is to be known
(the ten mahavidyas), being the combined divine Grace-Energy of the goddess
MahaKali, MahaLakshmi and MahaSaraswati. To worship the lotus feet of the
Universal Goddess in this form gives human life its highest realization.
"The publication of the Shri Haidakhandeshwari Sapta Sati is a great
blessing and boon, as it facilititates Her worship: every word of this great
prayer is a divine mantra. Reading and reciting it cures incurable
diseases, rids the mind of worries and solves all problems, while the
aspirant on the spiritual path attains the divine perfection he desires:
prosperity in life, worldly happiness and spiritual peace.

"These divinely inspired prayers are written for the Divine Energy, which
resides in My heart; they are being published for the benefit of the world.
For those who speak Hindi, there is appended a translation of these verses.
Appended is also the Shri Mahabhairava Stotra and its Hindi translation; its
recitation will give the same results.

"Believers all on the path to God, come and worship the Divine Mother with
these great verses.

"Receive happiness, prosperity and peace. Allow these prayers to make you
happy . This is My wish and Blessing for you."


(Taken down according to the dictated instruction of Babaji)

The blessings received by saying these prayers are limitless!
You can print out the entire Sapta Sati (English and/or Sanskrit) from the the free download so you can read it whenever it is convenient for you.

Divine Mother makes Herself available during these nine days of Navaratri so this is a good time to offer these prayers, for the betterment and upliftment of your own household and all of humanity.

GURU PURNIMA is the FULL MOON dedicated to the GURU-- the Inner Teacher within the Heart

This year it falls on July 30 and is the second full moon of this month-- a blue moon!
There will be special blessings during the Guru Purnima, especially if you are alert and aware.
Fire Ceremony that morning is at 10:08 a.m.  Let us know if you'd like to sponsor or state your prayer intentions for that event.
Bhole Baba ki Jai!

Tune in to the INTERNATIONAL GURU PURNIMA event in Cisternino, Italy
Bhole Baba Ashram

Dear Friends,

It is fitting and appropriate, it seems, to be on the subject of HOME during this time period.
The Sun Sign is Cancer from around June 21-ish to July 22-ish, and that's all about home and family.  I say this as we are working to secure a place for Nathaniel to live in the San Francisco area for school, my Dad's house is going up for sale officially in Wahoo, and I am getting those issues resolved so I can get on with my residence.  I just know I won't be staying where I am, so that leaves a wide range of possibilities.

The Navaratri info took me by surprise but I can think of no better way to spend the next NINE DAYS than in prayer and ceremony... while carrying out my daily obligations.  Keep the mantra going while carrying out the tasks-- Karma Yoga!   Truth, Simplicity, Love, Service...  Om Namah Shivaya!

Happy Navaratri, everyone!  Auspiciousness such as this is a great thing. Take advantage of it!
Remember to order something from the Gift Shop if possible... we have so many great things and I'm here to ship quickly right now.  This is not always the case.  Orders coming in this summer are sparse, so far, most likely because my energy has been so tied up in this family stuff-- the Gift Shop often reflects where my attention goes.  You know the routine.

Send your prayer requests and Take Care!
OM Namah Shivaya
Om Haidakhandi
Peace and love,


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