
Showing posts from 2015


Sri Shastriji at Siddhashram Schweibenalp, May 11, 1985 Shastriji answers questions continued: Q:  How do the mantras work on the body: Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Haidiyakhandi, and Om Hrim Shrim Haidakhandeswaryai Namaha? A:  I have mentioned before that whatever is outside in the universe, is also in the body. The same way, there is a place for each deity in the human body. It has its place there, like Lord Shiva, like Lord Haidakhandi, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, the Divine Mother, Isamasai (Jesus Christ), all the divine beings, all the gods have a place, a seat, in the human body. And the maker of this body has also given keys to these different places and these keys have different numbers ñ the mantras ñ to open the places with these keys, so as to reach that particular God. Sri Shastriji says that these different letters and these different words have different ways of reaching different places of your body through all the channels of your veins. They are carried along by the five airs

Prem Baba Project

                  Prem Baba's Hands   photo by Sandy Aquila THE PREM BABA PROJECT. New Leela ... Share your experience of Prem Baba! Baba/Eintrage/2015/6/26_ Eintrag_1.html Here is the story that I sent in:   In 1986, I had the rare opportunity to live in Haidakhan for almost 6 months. The universe conspired on my behalf to make this time available to me, between major responsibilities.  It was a huge transition between the former life and the ‘new’ life.  No better place to do that than Haidakhan Vishwa Maha Dham! There was an evening, as winter was coming on, where I felt myself getting sick.  The body started to ache, the fever came in, the throat was hurting, the ears were starting to ring… I couldn’t go to evening Arati.  I stayed in the room, shivering and scrunching myself up in my bed in my sleeping bag, wearing extra clothes and my stocking cap, in an attempt to stay warm.  Arati bells had stopped and I was alone in the room, and all

tlc prods

Soul Landscapes: Babaji's 22 Paintings

Soul Landscapes on SALE  through May 20, 2015: $60 instead of $70, plus shipping. Om Namah Shivaya

Happiness.... Perfume

SUNDAY MORNING FIRE CEREMONY      Honoring the New Moon  April 19, 2015    My House Be here by 9:45 ; Ceremony begins at 10:08 CDT Dress Code:  Women in long skirts or Tunic/leggings Men in comfortable long pants Protocol: No breakfast (solid food) before ceremony; liquids are fine. We sit on the ground (bring a blanket or yoga pad to sit on) and remove shoes/socks Bring: fresh flowers (4 or 5 stems is plenty) and sweet fruit (1 or 2 pieces) Love Offering Gratefully Accepted Potluck Brunch following for those who can stay Spread the Word and Invite others if you like.   Just let me know who is coming when you RSVP. PLEASE RSVP by Saturday night:   b  if you'd like to attend, sponsor or send your intentions. Om Namah Shivaya See you on Sunday ! Marge  
SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is making most efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given. The Sanskrit word sara means "essence" and swa means "self." Thus Saraswati means "the essence of the self." Night and Day Nine: Siddhidatri - She Who is of great spiritual Powers and knowledge Siddhidatri begins at Sunset March 28 and ends at Sunset March 29. Siddhidatri:  Siddhidatri means the giver of siddhis (magical or spiritual powers for the control of self, others and the forces of nature). It is said in Devipuran that the Supreme God, Lord Shiva received all of these powers by propitiating the Maha Shakti. The Goddess is sometimes shown atop a lion and sometimes atop a lotus. She is shown as having four arms, which hold a club, a conch shell and

Navaratri Eight: MahaGauri

Navaratri Eight:   SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is making most efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given.   Night and Day Eight: Mahagauri - The Great White Goddess Mahagauri begins at Sunset on March 27 and ends at Sunset on  March 28. Her power is unfailing and instantly fruitful. All sins of devotees are washed away with the result of her worship. Even accumulated sins get destroyed and in future no sins or sufferings come to him/her. (S)He gets purified in all respects and becomes fit for inexhaustible virtues. Goddess Saraswati is generally depicted with four arms (some pictures may show only two arms), wearing a white sari and seated on a white lotus. She holds a book and a mala in Her rear two hands, while the front two hand

Navaratri Seven: Kalaratri and FIRST DAY of Saraswati

Navaratri Seven: Saraswati and Kalaratri First Day of Saraswati: Sunset March 26 until Sunset March 27 SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom,  Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine  Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is making most e fficient and purposeful use of everything you are given. Kalaratri: Kalaratri - Kali Night of no Moon T he goddess called Night of Time, Kalaratri, represents nirvana. The appearance of Maa Kalratri is quite  dreadful, but her grace is generous toward devotees. Worshipping Maa Kalaratri on the seventh day gives abundant fruitful result. With her grace, devotees get power, position and eminent status on earth. She protects her devotees against evil influence of demons and wrong people. Worshiping her, devotees get complete protection and long life. What is Nirvana? Nirvana literally means "The bl