Honoring the New Moon 

April 19, 2015   
My House
Be here by 9:45; Ceremony begins at 10:08 CDT

Dress Code: 
Women in long skirts or Tunic/leggings
Men in comfortable long pants

No breakfast (solid food) before ceremony; liquids are fine.

We sit on the ground (bring a blanket or yoga pad to sit on) and remove shoes/socks

Bring: fresh flowers (4 or 5 stems is plenty) and sweet fruit (1 or 2 pieces)

Love Offering Gratefully Accepted

Potluck Brunch following for those who can stay

Spread the Word and Invite others if you like. 
 Just let me know who is coming when you RSVP.

PLEASE RSVP by Saturday night:  if you'd like to attend,
sponsor or send your intentions.

Om Namah Shivaya
See you on Sunday!



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