Wayne Dyer: Most Important 5 Minutes


Sleep is the natural state for your subconscious mind, which rules about 96 percent of your waking life. The last five minutes of your day before you enter into your sleep state are the most important five minutes of your day if you are going to begin living a wishes fulfilled life. In this brief portion of your day, you are going to tell your subconscious mind how you feel and what wishes God (the universal one subconscious mind) is to fulfill upon awakening from your deep slumber. This five-minute segment of time in your bed, about to enter into your subconscious and marinate for the next eight hours or so, is the most crucial segment of your entire 24-hour day. 

You can use this time in one of two ways. Let me explain them both to you, and then you can decide which one you choose to adopt for yourself, keeping in mind that what you impress upon your subconscious mind is what the universal one subconscious mind will offer you in your waking hours. Your subconscious mind is indifferent to what you want or what is best for you. It cannot make a distinction between what you are feeling as a result of all that happens to you throughout your waking hours, or what you feel as a result of what you are imagining for yourself as having already transpired while you are in bed preparing to doze off to sleep. 

1. Choosing to Review the Day’s Frustrations and Disappointments 

As you lie in bed, you can use this time prior to entering your subconscious mind to review everything that transpired throughout the day that caused you to feel unhappy, dejected, frustrated, angry, and so on. You can think sad thoughts about all of the people who disappointed you, and review in your imagination (via inner dialogue with yourself) how unhappy all of that made you. You can spend these critical moments worrying about all of the things that didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, and projecting onto your subconscious mind evidence for things continuing to transpire in the same way that they always have. You can go over the arguments you had with others, and conclude that those people really do make you unhappy. You can use your mind to relive how fearful you are that things are not going to improve. You can even predict that a great calamity is about to befall you and your family, and there is nothing to be done to stave it off. 

Whatever you opt for—such as these examples of thoughts that make you feel bad—is a choice to send those messages to your subconscious just as you are about to go to sleep. In effect, you are imprinting your subconscious with I am unhappy, frustrated, pessimistic, afraid. Your subconscious mind, unable to distinguish between what you are telling it through your pre-sleep conditioning ritual and what is actually happening in your everyday world, says to you, “Okay, I’ve got it.” 

Your thoughts are on what you do not want and what you despise, and your feelings in your body bring you worry, fear, anxiety, hate, sadness, and the like. Your subconscious mind responds with no desire to change your conscious waking state, because it only reacts to what you place there. So it will proceed to offer you experiences from the universal one subconscious mind that aligns with what you’ve programmed it to do. You placed your thoughts in your subconscious, when it would most likely have at least eight hours of sleep to work on them! The subconscious can’t be faulted for assuming that you must want them very, very much. 

Alas, you awaken befuddled by all of the things you don’t want that keep showing up in your life, not understanding that by assuming the feeling of what you don’t wish for and then going to sleep with those thoughts in your mind, you are programming your subconscious mind to take over, just as it did when you were first learning to drive. The difference is that then you were creating what you desired, and now you are using the same strategy to attract what you do not desire. And this is why you so often fail to attract the ideal in your life. 

You can train yourself to do this in the precious five minutes before slumber overtakes you. 

If you decide you do not want to go to sleep with this first choice in your consciousness, you can develop a new habit for your habitual mind to latch onto. You do have an alternative—those last five minutes of the day are your five minutes and yours alone. Consider the second option using your last waking moments before sleep, programming your subconscious mind in a new way. 

2. Choosing to Assume the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled 

As you lie in bed, feeling drowsy and knowing that you are about to go to sleep—where your subconscious mind is most at home—use these final pre-slumber moments to align with your Source of being and become a wishes fulfilled spiritual being. 

In these pre-sleep moments, you can program your subconscious mind to automatically present you with fulfilled wishes. You wouldn’t train your subconscious mind to repeatedly slam on the brakes or to make a turn into a driveway without safely slowing down. You also don’t want to train your subconscious mind to focus on and attract the kinds of things that make you unhappy or create unnecessary pain. These last five minutes awake, then, are your final pep talk to your subconscious mind. 

You want to focus on assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled that you’ve placed into your imagination. 

Here’s what Neville offers on this topic—it may be the most valuable information you’ve ever received: 

“The feeling which comes in response to the question “How would I feel were my wish realized?” is the feeling which should monopolize and immobilize your attention as you relax into sleep. You must be in the consciousness of being or having that which you want to be or to have before you drop off to sleep.” 

So this is what you must ask yourself as you get closer and closer to dropping off into the unconsciousness of sleep—If my wishes were realized, how would it feel right here right now in my body? Stay with that thought until you begin to feel your body shift into what that feels like. 

This is not an empty exercise—it is a programming tool for re-teaching your subconscious mind to act on what you intend to manifest, rather than on what you are worried, angry, or fearful about. In this semi-somnolent state, go to the I am that you are now putting into your imagination. For example, if you are worried about your health—whether because of a common cold, a pulled muscle, or a fearful diagnosis of a potentially life-threatening sickness—declare, “I am God in action.” Or you could contemplate my favorite quotation from Saint Germain in The “I AM” Discourses: 

“I want so much to have you feel that you are the Only Authority in this world or any other, so far as your world is concerned. Do not ever fear that the perfecting of your world is going to disfigure anyone else’s world, so long as your intent is not to harm anyone. It does not matter what the world about you says, or how much they try to intrude upon you their doubts, fears and limitations. You are the Supreme Authority in your world and all you have to do is to say, when you are beset by those conditions, “‘I AM’ the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself. ‘I AM’ the Perfection of my world and it is Self-sustained.” 

This is very powerful advice. When he says it does not matter what the world about you says, he is also talking about all of those self-limiting thoughts that you yourself have proclaimed regarding your ability to be healed. 

As you lie in bed, affirm: I am perfect health, or use the words of Saint Germain above about being mighty and the perfection of your world—then notice how that feels in your body. At first you will be calling upon your ego, which believes that it is separate from God or the universal Source of all, and an inner voice will say, This is silly, I am sick, I am sore, I am dying, and I am only fooling myself. So simply dismiss these mind viruses and conditioned memes, since you are free to use these five minutes in any way that you choose. 

Repeat a new I am that shifts you to the state of the realized wish. Repeatedly tell yourself that I am God in action, and immediately check in with your body to feel the shift from fear and anxiety to peace, love, and contentment. After a little practice, you will find that repeating I am in your mind begins to impact how you are feeling. Sensations of worry and pain slowly dissolve as you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and it is at this point that you allow yourself to drop off to sleep. 

Use these precious pre-sleep moments to assume the feeling in your body of whatever wishes you desire as already fulfilled. Refuse to go to sleep being upset or disturbed about anything, regardless of how momentous it may appear to be in your life. The natural state of your subconscious is sleep, and it sees you as you believe yourself to be. It matters not to the habitual mind of yours whether what you believe and consequently feel in your body is harmful, moral, good, bad, or indifferent. It will faithfully take on your belief and provide you with an array of experiences and seemingly synchronistic events that give form to what you believe and have placed into the programming of your subconscious mind. 

On many occasions I’ve gone to bed feeling somewhat sick or concerned about what course my body will take with its diagnoses. I’ve faithfully practiced what I am writing about, and I’ve awakened symptom-free. The key is to keep checking in with my body until I can say in all honesty that I’m feeling that my desire is a present fact. Feelings are the tools that the subconscious automatic mind uses. 

You can quite readily break the habit of using your resting time before sleep reviewing things that are frustrating and upsetting. Make this a sacred satisfying time to nurture thoughts that align with the I am thoughts that you have placed into your imagination. When you see a tendency toward negativity, simply pause and gently remind yourself in your sleepy state that you do not wish to enter your unconscious world with these feelings. Then assume that feeling in your body of your wish fulfilled. You want to enter your sleep with reminders to your subconscious to automatically fulfill your life-enhancing wishes. 

--- "Wishes Fulfilled" by Dr. Wayne Dyer


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