
Listen to the call that took place on Monday, October 16.


Where I put my attention:
That which I actively resist is what I get more of
That which I fight against I get more of
That which I am at war against I get more of
That which I worry about I get more of

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The greatest Guru is helpless as long as the disciple is not 
eager to learn. Eagerness and earnestness are all-important. 
Confidence will come with experience. Be devoted to your
goal - and devotion to him who can guide you will follow. 
If your desire and confidence are strong, they will operate 
and take you to your goal, for you will not cause delay by 
hesitation and compromise.

- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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The 3 Foragers: Foraging for Wild, Natural, Organic Food ...
Oyster Mushrooms

pemandangan: Autumn Leaves Wallpaper

Our bodies are our companions for this lifetime and temples of our souls. 
Even I take care a lot of my body and live consciously I had to learn that this is not enough anymore. 
My homeopathic doctor , a genius , taught me that atomic radiance is even higher we ever imagine in Europe and many parts of this world. This cause that parasites mutate and are not reacting on norm medicine anymore. 
That shocks me deeply . he says most of the people have parasites costing their daily life energy .
So if you have fatigue without reason like I did , please consider to consult people who work with the knowledge already .
Me I am on homeopathic remedies for days detoxing the results and effects in my body of parasites and atomic pollution from the region .
I am tired , but much better , my skins detoxes and my organs.
Check out the radiance of your region , and I really think its time to change that situation . 
We are not here to pollute and destroy Mama Earth , but the preserve and hold her and honor her as our bodies.`DH on FB

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Babaji On Movement Of Thought"... Be Alert. Be Aware. Follow your heart. The spin of Maya never ends. Change is the only reality. The movement of thought following change is the path to the high. You will come to understand this."


One day, unplanned it seemed, Babaji decided to make a small yatra. A handful of Indian and about 10/20 western devotees needed to quickly grab some things and we departed and went up stream from Herakhan. The mood was very leisurely and relaxed. While passing Siddeshwar, somebody had an instant camera and Babaji held a little photoshoot with some people. He called me also.  I was looking at Him on the moment of the picture but He twisted my head towards the camera and here is my souvenir of that moment. 

There seemed nothing particular going on, Father and His kids going on a walk about. The plan also seemed to change a few times while trekking around in the beautiful foothills of the Kumoun. After most of the day going around here and there we stopped on an open spot in the woods on a mildly sloping hill. Apart from nature there was a small kutir at the edge of the open space and the forest. We were going to camp there for the night. While the cook was preparing something for Babaji we all sat around Him singing and chatting with our Father. 

At a certain point Babaji went to the kutir about 20/30 meters away to eat some of these preparations and the people had something right there were they sat. I hopped along with Babaji but waited outside the door while He ate inside the kutir with the cook and somebody else. When He came out I had a lotha ready to offer some water for Him to wash His hands. He washed them but then took me by the arm and lead me into the woods. I had no torch and we only had a little bit of light from the moon, while walking away from the people and the kutir. Then he stopped faced me and motioned me to sit down. It was all very exciting but was very busy wondering what it was about or what I could do or serve. In this sparse light He kept looking deeply into my eyes, saying nothing from very close by. It was very beautiful but I was unable to just relax I remember, thinking I had to serve and do something for Him. Nobody saw us or knew where we were while we were sitting there in the woods. In complete silence He was looking at me like lovers do, I probably did not look like that with my wondering mind unable to relax fully in that moment. After what seemed several hours but was probably only 10 minutes, He got up grabbed my arm and we walked back to where the others were sitting. We sang a few bhajans together and went of to sleep. I could hardly sleep, still trying to figure out what happened, what all this fantastic moment was all about. The next day we strolled back in the same relaxed mode to Herakhan. 

Now 35 years later I can still see His eyes glowing and piercing me with love in the dark. Having Babaji looking from so close without words or actions….10 minutes was eternity. I still remember my dis ease and I have wondered often thru the years, did I miss something or was it just a wonderful moment in time. Well I guess I surely missed just being open and relaxed while fully enjoying that fantastic moment there and then. In those years there must have been many things that I missed while looking at Him, standing standing by His side, while staring into confusing mental thoughts in my mind. After a couple of months living in Herakhan my sitting position changed from sitting in front of Babaji to standing next to Him. I was also observing the people often and noticed that it is a human condition of getting stuck in our mind. Many people were stuck somewhere in the realms of their mind. In particular the western mind as I observed that Indians suffer this condition less. With awareness and the holy names we can train our mind and have a more interesting process happening.

I felt that the calling of Oh Shaar Shaab Dahan Shri Kashi Vishwannath Patar he hain ( Pay attention, be careful The Lord of the Universe is coming ) was all about this. To be attentive in here and now. Here and now is GOD. The present moment is truly the only thing we have. The past is gone and has not much sense in dwelling over things again and again, About the future is also not useful to be worried. It will arise in the present moment so better to be there to the best of our abilities. Our mind who usually only represents our ego is keeping us generally  away from the glorious here and now.  This is just as valid with all the here and now’s. Not only when Babaji is staring at you like in this story. The Divine is constantly looking at each on of us from all directions, always present in the here and now. Great Babaji stories of the past can perhaps be inspiring for some and hoping that Babaji will soon come to fix our and the world problems may give strength to some people to carry on under the burden of daily life. What really counts however is the recognising seeing the Divine, here and now, everywhere and always. That is quite a process as we tend to hold on to…........other stuff. There is a practice in India called "neti neti" which means not this not that. One discards point by point all the stuff which pops up in our mind which is not useful. After many years of fine tuning simplicity takes a firm hold and bring peace and clarity……and easier to enjoy the present moment.

Bhole Baba ki Jai !
Wishing everybody a wonderful festival of LIGHT ! 
Happy Deepawali ! 

Fire Ceremony Kit and instructions....send an email request

THE SECRET OF FIRE ॐ ~ Katha Upanishad
The Dialogue between Nachiketa and Lord Yama, God of Death)
One of Nachiketa’s wishes was that Yamaraja teach him about the Science of Fire that unveils the mystery of Heaven. This Knowledge is called ‘Agni Vidya.’ (Vidya is Sanskrit meaning Right Knowledge)
In Heaven, Nachiketa was aware that fear, hunger, thirst and old age had no place. Yamaraja explained, that 'that' mysterious Fire resided in the 'interior cave' of the human being. Also Yamaraja explained in what respect the Fire was the Origin of the Universe.
Fire is an Intelligent energy. It possesses Consciousness. One can communicate with Fire through Mantras. The Mantra awakens the external Fire which in turn 'awakens' the dormant energy within us.
There are Marmasthaanas (centers of vital energy) and chakras (centers of consciousness) in our body. These points are also found in the fire-pit, when a Yagna (Fire sacrifice) is performed.
The Fire at the navel center is the source of our existence. It is called the Manipura Chakra. This Chakra needs to be activated, whether we use rituals connected with the external Fire or Meditation.
Yamaraja Blessed Nachiketa and said that from then on that Fire would be called ‘Nachiketa Agni’. 🙏

Swaha! 🕉️

"What does one mean by humanitarian rules and humanity? Babaji says one should not have any hatred towards anyone; one should try not to let other people down; one should try to help others; one should try to love all. In this new kingdom, everyone should be good. Babaji expects all this from you. And you should try to preach this to others - to those who are not here. Teach it to others; not only those around you but in other countries, in the whole world - wherever you go, one should try to put it into practice. Babaji likes human beings. Humanitarian work should be done by all of us. Babaji wishes humans well. A person who follows this and who always keeps humanitarian rules in mind will be loved by everyone and shall survive all this destruction and shall remain happy. One should try to bring these humanitarian ideas to everybody who does not have them."

George Harrison's 10 Biggest Billboard Hits | Billboard
George Harrison on Consciousness

He figured out that Rock God fame was something he outgrew quickly. Being a Beatle was exciting, but George Harrison speaks of the experience as something that because of it's intensity, forced a lot of growth, quickly. It was valuable because as exhilarating as it was, it didn't make him happy. He was searching for the real deal.

"The kind of bliss I am talking about where every atom of your body is just buzzing...it's when you go beyond the mind." he shares here.

Hear in this interview, the last one he gave before he died, about how he came to be fascinated with the afterlife, with Eastern spirituality, meditation and heightened consciousness.

What a unique person, what a gift he was to this world. He was dropped straight into the core of pop culture and ended up greatly expanding the mindset of The Beatles generation and beyond. 

--Bibi Farber
This video was produced by VH-1, interview conducted by John Fugelsang


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