Help For Humanity



via Rick Jewers
Important individual upgrades are currently ongoing. More of the Ascended Masters will be given their memory back here Now, while in physical form. During receiving the memory restoration, You are reminded to accept that most of the Ascended Masters, were not always human. These memories have no bearing on the Ascension as it pertains to Gaia and the subsequent Timelines thereof. You are not to publicly share anything other than You are an Ascended Master. There are presently, 2.32 million upon Gaia, with that status, and the rest will be Awakened further marginally, and as required. Some Masters cannot have their memory restored at this time because they are still serving their mission, and this would cause interference with what they must accomplish in a relatively short frame. The awakened Masters are having their memories restored at this time in preparation for their more significant roles in the overall Ascension upon Gaia. Ascended Masters were placed within all Race and Nationality upon Gaia for this Time.
There will be a hoax ET first contact publicized. When this occurs, You are to Know, just observe, for it is not real. The real first contact comes at a later time and is quite more magical. Some have seen holographic projections of SPACECRAFT, that are part of the hoax. We have the real craft that many of You have physically seen and interacted with. Your resonation feature tells You what is real and what is not.
There was sufficient Light Quotient 26 hours ago, that separated the Timelines of 4D and the full Tributary connecting to 5D, at this time, All are being influenced by the 5D Frequency. There are fragments of density attached to this branch that will be cleaned up as we go forward. Your gifts have been upgraded as such, that more of You will Now be able to see the dark assemblages of energy responsible for "negative" things. Upon seeing these dark assemblages of any size, usually from small house size down to a pea size, You are to neutralize these masses of dark energy and continue the process of sending them back to Source, some of You already have the ability, to turn them to Light, on the spot. These dark assemblages act like anchors to the 5D Tributary Timeline and must be eradicated. More of You will be physically seeing them Now, to enable You to be more efficient in Your Divine work.
There are currently more Divine Ones upon the planet being upgraded with their gifts and powers, some of these will remain undercover sort to speak, and carry out a temporary Human role. You may also witness "walk-ins" occurring within Humans in positions of prominence upon the planet, these walk-ins may only last for hours, or may last for a few months, dependent upon the role they must tweak. The stage was set, the acts are happening.
Some of You are involved with monetary programs, some are not to be, continue following Your guidance. Your role/purpose varies, although there is One convergence. Continue developing Your Prowess and be ready to switch roles and take on New purposes, no stagnation. Do not give any consent away, for it will disempower You, stand in Your authority and the authority of All That Is.
Love and Light,
Rick Jewers



We Are Happy To Announce Our Latest Sale Till September 5, 2017

The sale consists of High-Quality Photo Prints of BabajiAll MalasAll Digital DownloadsDVDs, and the most special sale item, which has never been on sale - Soul Landscapes - Paintings byBabajiUse coupon code AUG15 when checking out to enjoy a 15% discount
We've never had a special sale on the SOUL LANDSCAPES before.  If price has been an issue for you, NOW is the time to take advantage of this sale so you can have 22 of Babaji's Paintings.  When you read the description, you may notice how much help these can be to you on a daily basis.

Go to to find out more, following the banner at the top.

... I feel like I am treading water.
"You must learn to glide across the water as the waterbug does rather than tread in it. For this you need patience. You need to have doors of opportunity opened to you. For this you need to be in a mindset of expectation and openness. I want you to be a magnet of opportunity. Whenever the dance of fickleness surfaces, invoke my name and chant the Mahamantra. Observe this fickleness unconditionally, without judgement. Do this and it shall dissipate as quickly as it formed."


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Like the spiritual sun, Babaji walks through the pages of all the great scriptures, revealing himself to only the few He chooses and usually remaing invisible. He appears on the grosser terrestrial planes as and when the need arises and guides humanity through the work of his disciples from whom his divine mission continues to manifest. He then withdraws himself into his own cosmiv Consciousness.
Babaji´s presence is magical and confounds the human mind, for being present, He appears invisible and even when He is invisible, He can be perceived by those who enter the depths of samadhi. Therefore, it is more a question of their state of awareness and clairvoyance, which Babaji graces rather than He himself appearing and disappearing. This is one reason why historians are confounded as to the dates of this great Visible-Invisible Saviour of mankind called the Mahavatar, Shiva Goraksha Babaji.
He took the form of Adi Nath Shiva himself, then of Rudra of the ancient days. t was He as the Angel of the Lord who walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Heaven. As Babaji´s consciouness has within it the Trimurti (trinity), one of his forms is the Lord Krishna, who in occult circles is called Shambbhu Chaitanya (Shiva of Irradiant Consciousness).
We see this great Being walk through the pages of the great scriptures of the world. He came approximately seven thousand years ago to bless through his Samadhi the seventh avatara of Vishnu, Lord Rama, at his coronation in Ayodhya. As a physical token of his blessings, his disciples came with "prasad" ate the Guru´s holy blessings. Then He came in 3102 BCE, that is about 5000 ago, to bless and to be with the people during Lord Krishna´s time as the eight avatara of Vishnu.
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath


Image may contain: 1 person, standing

He (Babaji) is not preaching any new religion. He has come to preach the religion, which occurred at the time of Creation, and that is the Sanatan Dharma - the Eternal Religion. He has come to preach the Sanatan Dharma only. We can determine the date from which every religion started. For example, the Muslim religion was started by Mohammed 1400 years ago and this is recorded in their scriptures. Christianity started with birth of Christ, 2000 years ago. Before Christ and Mohammed existed, the world and its people were living. The Sanatan Dharma has been followed for thousands and millions of years and no one is able to trace the date it began. You may try to understand this spontaneous religion this way: the dharma (law or nature) of fire is to burn; the dharma of water is to be wet; the air has to blow. Can one tell on what day the fire started to burn, the water to be wet, and the air to blow? No one can say. Sanatan Dharma is like a great ocean. From that ocean, each country has dug canals according to their needs and purposes. But canals cannot give total satisfaction as the ocean gives complete bliss. The Lord is showing a vision of the Sanatan Dharma, which is like the great ocean, and this is the greatest form of knowledge. Until now, people only had knowledge of their canals. Now the Lord is showing us that we aren't just bubbles in a canal, but rather bubbles in the great ocean. As long as we have individuality, we are seen as bubbles; when we disappear, we are one with the ocean.
~ (Vishnu Dutt Shastriji about Haidakhan Babaji and Sanatan Dharma) 25 March 1983


HUMANITARIAN PROJECT NUMBER 4: Houston Area Disaster Relief

We are seeking our next Project.  In light of what is going on in the Houston area of Texas, I'm requesting your ideas to add to our own about ways to help the people suffering with the flood waters and all the damage. If you know of someone in the Houston area who can use our help directly (rather than through one of the major relief organizations), please send me an email so we can organize.

Meanwhile, if you want to get a head start, please send donations through our 'donate' button at, and designate this is for HumPro Houston Area.

It's difficult to know what to do-- we know people need help. Assessing the situation is on-going. The immediate needs for survival will be minimal compared to the long-term recovery. Let's figure out what we can do.

I am in touch with one family who is not under water, but they are without electricity, and they have a generator.  They can't go anywhere to get supplies, and most places don't HAVE any more supplies anyway.  Who knows how long it will be like this.  I'm sure there are others connected to our community who can use our help.

Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated.  Of course, we all pray for MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME for everyone.  I would like to meet each night for a special meditation, 20 minutes of OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, each night at 10:08 Eastern, 9:08 Central, 8:08 Mountain, 7:08 Pacific.   For London, it's 3:08 a.m.; for Italy, it's 4:08 a.m.  If that is not going to work, just do 10:08 a.m. or p.m. wherever you are.  We are sending peace and healing, love and light, to support those in need.

Music suggestion to go with the meditation time:

This situation seems so overwhelming it kind of paralyzes me to figure out what to do.  We must take ACTION, though.  Karma is Action.  What are we going to do? We need to zero in on one aspect and make a difference.  I will keep you posted as ideas come in so we get on it as soon as possible.

Of course, you are also encouraged to give to Red Cross or Salvation Army as you feel in your heart.  I have heard so many conflicting stories about how reliable or unreliable such groups may be--- so I leave that to your discretion. Do your own research.



This is my message. Take care of the body. Feed it well, exercise it, and watch over its movements. Live in Truth, Simplcity, and Love. Serve humanity unconditionally. Destroy the lower self and walk on the High Path.

I want all of my devotees to be strong in spirit and healthy in body. I want all of my devotees to be messengers of Truth, Simplicity and Love. I want all sentient humans to see the light of hope when they pass by a devotee. I want all sentient humans to feel Babaji emanating from the hearts of my devotees.

I want all of my devotees to make the life of one sentient human easier to breathe.

I am with you always. Just call out to me and I will instantly come to you no matter what Universe I am in.

I am no thing. I am no where but I am everywhere. I move behind space and time to reside in your hearts.




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