Navaratri Four: Laksmi's First Day

Shri Lakshmi is personified not only as the goddess of fortune and wealth but also as an
 embodiment of loveliness, grace and charm. She is worshiped as a goddess who grants
 both worldly prosperity as well as liberation from the cycle of life and death.

The Goddess of Navaratri Four is
KUSMANDA (She Who Brings Happiness)
Babaji often said to people: "Are you happy? Be happy! That's an order!"
Today is a good day to follow Babaji's order and choose to be happy.
The Goddess Kusmanda is bringing happiness.
We can also rejoice in the fact that we have made it through
the first three days of purification from Mother Kali. :)

Kusmanda's Reign is from sunset on March 23 through sunset on March 24.

The most striking feature of Lakshmi is her persistent association with the lotus.
The meaning of the lotus in relation to Shri-Lakshmi refers to purity and spiritual power.
Rooted in the mud but blossoming above the water, completely uncontaminated by the mud,
the lotus represents spiritual perfection and authority. To be seated upon or associated
with the lotus suggests that the being in question: God, Buddha, or human being-
has transcended the limitations of the finite world (the mud of existence, as it were)
and floats freely in a sphere of purity and spirituality. Shri-Lakshmi thus suggests more than
 the fertilizing powers of moist soil and the mysterious powers of growth.
She suggests a perfection or state of refinement that transcends the material world.

These are the special mantras offered on Day Four of the Havan:
#233 -309 in "700 Names of Divine Mother of Haidakhan"

Recitation of the Sapta Sati, with Shastriji Leading the Prayer:



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