(Five Fold Path Publication)

Agnihotra is a gift to humanity from ancient most Vedic sciences of bioenergy, medicine, agriculture and climate engineering.Agnihotra is the basic healing fire of Homa Therapy.
Agnihotra is the process of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of fire prepared in a copper pyramid tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset
It is a method that can neutralize the effects of pollution on plants, animals and humans.

 All the spheres of life on this planet come into harmony...
...We are healing our world.

Thousands of people on all continents belonging to different races, languages, religions and spiritual groups who practice Agnihotra have remarked that simply by performing daily HOMA, (i.e., Agnihotra at sunrise/sunset) they feel as if a protective film surrounds them.

This book gives simple but extremely effective ancient methods for treating the atmosphere and removing toxins and disease, for gardening and farming without chemicals, and for removing alcohol and/or drug addiction and mental tension without medicine or psychotherapy, all based on copper pyramid fire tuned to rhythms of nature, e.g. sunrise/ sunset, new moon and full moon. This book gives the most in-depth information about Agnihotra Ayurvedic healing fire.

BOOK: 80 pages

$12 plus shipping

(You need to order this directly by emailing vishwagifts@gmail.com because it is not yet updated in the catalog. I'll send a paypal invoice after I hear from you.  ONS, M)

To download the latest Windows compatible timings program, please visit http://www.homatherapie.de/index-eng.htm   and click the TIMINGS link at the bottom of the page.

To get any latitude and longitude please visit
To find the EXACT TIMES of sunrise/sunset in your exact part of the world, contact
info@agnihotra.org. This is a requirement for performing the Agnihotra properly.



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