Sri Shastriji at Siddhashram, Schweibenalp, Switzerland
May 7, 1985

*excerpt from a speech*

The law of nature, of life, is to give and take, as a farmer will sow a seed of rice in his field. He sows one seed but in return he gets much more than what he has sown. No computer can give you an account of how many billions of times it has given you more in return than what you sowed. That one grain of rice which you had sown, until such time as it goes bad, will continue to give you tons and tons of rice -- unless it goes bad -- for when it goes bad, naturally, it can't produce anymore.

And it would be indeed very selfish of us, that, when the Divine gives us so much food, so much grain to pacify our hunger, gives us water to quench our thirst, we just keep on eating and drinking. But it is absolutely justified that when the Divine is giving us so much, we should in return offer something back to the Divine and not just keep on eating it for our selfish pleasure. That's why we offer to the fire. When we receive so much grain to pacify the fires of hunger in our stomach, we should first offer of whatever we are eating, whatever we are receiving, a little offering to the fire to pacify it. Also give a little food or offering to those people who are hungry, to pacify the fire of their hunger.

And that's why it is said that a person who doesn't offer anything to the fire in a yagna or to the hungry people, and just keeps eating for himself, he is eating in a very sinful way because he is only concerned with his own selfish hunger, with his own self. That's why he or she can never reach the spiritual heights of the purity of soul.


Om Namah Shivaya
Om Haidakhandi

Our beloved Vishnu Dutt Shastri left his body on Nov. 17, 2003;
I was inspired this morning to share a bit of his discourse (above)
and after that, I noticed that we are very close to this anniversary.
I will share more of Shastriji's Wisdom this week, in honor of his faith and devotion.

Bhole Baba ki Jai!


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