Miraculous Morning Sunrise

Namaste, Everyone!
If you would like a miracle in your life, I invite you to meet Mahendra Kumar Trivedi.
Mahendra Trivedi has helped create miracles for people all over the world and he can help you create miracles in your life too.
Trivedi’s energy transmissions have been the subject of thousands of scientific studies at leading research institutes on six continents. The results have been nothing short of astounding.

"Mr. Trivedi has the ability to somehow use thoughts to bring about changes in all biological systems: from plants to seeds to genes to human organs!"
~Deepak Chopra, New York Times Best Selling Author
Join me on Thursday, April 21, when you will be introduced to Mahendra Trivedi. We will show you amazing photos of the impact of the “Trivedi Effect™” on agriculture, microbes and viruses – and Trivedi himself will be there to explain in his own words what this incredible phenomenon is and what it can mean for you.
Finally, we will show you how you can experience the miraculous impact of this energy in your own life. In my next reminder, I will share my personal experiences with receiving these blessings for the past five months.
To register for this exciting free webcast go to: http://www.trivedifoundation.org/link.html?p=margaretdevivo&w=wcmd
(I will send a replay link if you are not available to be there on the live call, so please register anyway.)
I look forward to you joining me on Thursday. You really do not want to miss this call.
Om Namah Shivaya
With love,


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