
Showing posts from 2011
Babaji and Yogananda Statues by Gary Roller: ***Bronzetone (explained below)*** 3" tall:   $40 9.5" tall:  $170 Bronze also available by special order and higher price. 4" : $370 9" : $600 PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA -9.5" high Bronzetone: $170 Bronze:  $600 (From Gary's Studio)...We have received wonderful responses from people in many parts of the world who have seen these sculptures of PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA and BABAJI. Perhaps some of you have seen these pieces during your visits to the homes and various centers where they have been placed. It has been an honor and privilege to have these works appreciated by so many devoted students and direct disciples from around the world. The highest honor came our way when copies of the YOGANANDA bust were placed by his family and friends in his boyhood home and other locations associated with his life. The ***BRONZETONE*** effect is achieved by using a resin materi
Sri Shastriji at Siddhashram, Schweibenalp, Switzerland May 7, 1985 *excerpt from a speech* The law of nature, of life, is to give and take, as a farmer will sow a seed of rice in his field. He sows one seed but in return he gets much more than what he has sown. No computer can give you an account of how many billions of times it has given you more in return than what you sowed. That one grain of rice which you had sown, until such time as it goes bad, will continue to give you tons and tons of rice -- unless it goes bad -- for when it goes bad, naturally, it can't produce anymore. And it would be indeed very selfish of us, that, when the Divine gives us so much food, so much grain to pacify our hunger, gives us water to quench our thirst, we just keep on eating and drinking. But it is absolutely justified that when the Divine is giving us so much, we should in return offer something back to the Divine and not just keep on eating it for our selfish pleasure. That&#
Over-looked Wonderful Things
Fire Ceremony  Pictures
Havan Kund Decorations Fire Ceremony Instructions
Miraculous Morning Sunrise COULD YOU USE A MIRACLE ABOUT NOW? Namaste, Everyone! ONS If you would like a miracle in your life, I invite you to meet Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. Mahendra Trivedi has helped create miracles for people all over the world and he can help you create miracles in your life too. Trivedi’s energy transmissions have been the subject of thousands of scientific studies at leading research institutes on six continents. The results have been nothing short of astounding. "Mr. Trivedi has the ability to somehow use thoughts to bring about changes in all biological systems: from plants to seeds to genes to human organs!" ~Deepak Chopra, New York Times Best Selling Author Join me on Thursday, April 21, when you will be introduced to Mahendra Trivedi. We will show you amazing photos of the impact of the “Trivedi Effect™” on agriculture, microbes and viruses – and Trivedi himself will be there to explain in his own words what this i
Artwork Creation by Roxanne Wach: Babaji Om Lotus SPECIAL OFFERING! MANIFESTATION CRYSTALS I have a set of quartz crystal pieces available for adoption. These crystals have been very busy and very successful in their assignments for many years now. They are presently cleared of all former programming and are ready for a new assignment from YOU! Unless you request something else, I am placing this intention in each of them: *DIVINE PURPOSE MADE CLEAR and *ABILITY TO ACCESS PERSONAL DIVINE GUIDANCE If you want yours programmed to a specific intention, you can do that yourself, or I am willing if you send the intention(s) along with your donation. Their group assignment when I acquired them was to build a Temple. What YOU want them to assist you with is up to you. They were selected and blessed by Shri Vishnu Dutt Shastri  in the summer of 1985 and have completed several amazing projects since then. Put them into service with YOUR project! (One group of crystals soaking in seasa
Divine Mother of Haidakhan:  Haidakhandeshwari