Quartz Crystals
and Rose Quartz

Premiums for donations to Universal Peace Center

Your donation of $54 will get you a piece of Quartz Crystal, programmed for manifestation. (a few samples pictured above)
A donation of $108 will get you a chunk of Rose Quartz (heart healing properties) programmed for manifestation. (a few samples pictured below)
Donations can be made through Paypal at
These crystals have a very interesting story behind them!
In Spring 1985, when Shri Muniraji and Shri Shastriji first came from India to the United States to initiate the Ashram in Nebraska (Haidakhandi Karma Yoga and Peace Center), Shastriji chose the exact location of the Temple Altar and told us to dig a hole there and place 130 lbs of Quartz Crystal and 130 lbs. of Rose Quartz into this hole in the ground, cover it over with protection, and allow it to purify the earth there so the Temple could be built.

We were to first clear the crystals in a salt-water bath, then 'program' them to manifest a Temple in this location. We followed the Tour Group to Colorado after they completed the days in Nebraska, and we found that there was a person who had thousands of pounds of quartz crystal that were just brought in from a cave in Arkansas...and when we asked Shastriji about them, he said these were perfect for our project. We purchased 150 lbs. just to make sure we had enough.

We found the ROSE QUARTZ in large chunks in a ROCK SHOP in Colorado during the same trip and purchased those. (That was one VERY INTERESTING ride home in the little Honda with all those crystals in the car!) All of these were carried back to Nebraska and placed just as Shastriji requested. Shastriji gave another blessing when the Tour returned in May, 1986. A 24' Tipi was placed over that sacred spot as the first 'official' Temple.

By 1988, a small 8-sided Mandir (temple) was built over these crystals, with the altar placed precisely over the crystal stash. By 1992, an entire building, 24' x 54' was built as Universal Peace Temple. The crystals had paved the way and made it possible to complete this mission. These are VERY POWERFUL, BLESSED crystals.

When it was time to sell the ashram land in 2004, all of the crystals were removed from the earth under the Temple Altar and I have them with me.

Now, the crystals are ready to take on other projects. Think about what YOU are working to manifest in your life, your life purpose, your Higher Path spiritual path, your 'reason to be alive'... These crystals are ready to help YOU make that happen! Be all that GOD wants you to be! (why not?)

Limited number of these available, as you can well imagine, and when they are gone, that's it! Act quickly if your heart is telling you these are for you!

Thanks for your support! Universal Peace Center has many projects in the works in addition to the websites: and All donations are used to support these projects.

Bhole Baba ki Jai!
Om Namah Shivaya

Universal Peace Center
PO Box 21994
Lincoln, NE 68542

Your donation is tax-deductible, according to the laws that apply to a non-profit corporation.


gobiki said…
Do you still have these crystal ?
Yes, I still have a few left.. they are super-charged with Energy.
Om Namah Shivaya

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