
Showing posts from 2018

Wayne Dyer: 7 Messages of the Ego...

Wayne Dyer:  7 Dominating Messages of the Ego " We can start returning to being in-Spirit by examining what ego has accomplished in our life, as well as making a determined effort to resist the powerful pressures of  our culture’s  ego in favor of an inspired life. Ego is just an illusion… so ask yourself if you wish to continue to be controlled by something that isn’t true, or would you rather look into what’s real and never changes? Keep in mind that Spirit is fixed, permanent, and infinite, while ego comes and goes with the wind. To continue on with this discussion, I’ve adapted the following list from a fascinating book called  The Disappearance of the Universe (Hay House, 2004) by Gary Renard, which gives an account of two spiritual visitors teaching Gary the significance of  A Course in Miracles . Whether you accept the premise or not is your option—I find these teachings to be profound, and they merit consideration. 1. The ego says, “You’re a body.” The Holy Spirit

Wayne Dyer: Most Important 5 Minutes

THE MOST IMPORTANT FIVE MINUTES OF YOUR DAY   Sleep is the natural state for your subconscious mind, which rules about 96 percent of your waking life. The last five minutes of your day before you enter into your sleep state are the most important five minutes of your day if you are going to begin living a wishes fulfilled life. In this brief portion of your day, you are going to tell your subconscious mind how you feel and what wishes God (the universal one subconscious mind) is to fulfill upon awakening from your deep slumber. This five-minute segment of time in your bed, about to enter into your subconscious and marinate for the next eight hours or so, is the most crucial segment of your entire 24-hour day.  You can use this time in one of two ways. Let me explain them both to you, and then you can decide which one you choose to adopt for yourself, keeping in mind that what you impress upon your subconscious mind is what the universal one subconscious mind will offer you in your wak