
Showing posts from August, 2017

Help For Humanity

******* via Rick Jewers UPDATE Important individual upgrades are currently ongoing. More of the Ascended Masters will be given their memory back here Now, while in physical form. During receiving the memory restoration, You are reminded to accept that most of the Ascended Masters, were not always human. These memories have no bearing on the Ascension as it pertains to Gaia and the subsequent Timelines thereof. You are not to publicly share anything other than You are an Ascended Master. There are presently, 2.32 million upon Gaia, with that status, and the rest will be Awakened further marginally, and as required. Some Masters cannot have their memory restored at this time because they are still serving their mission, and this would cause interference with what they must accomplish in a relatively short frame. The awakened Masters are having their memories restored at this time in preparation for their more significant roles in the overall Asc
CORRECTED WORLD MAP -- shows actual relative size of land mass