
Showing posts from 2019

Galactic Heart Newsletter: Message from Jesus

Message from Jesus Through   John Smallman Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created. Here in the spiritual realms – which of course is not ‘a place’ but is the One infinite energy field of Love, Mother/Father/God, where All That Is has Its eternal Presence, and therefore, where all sentient life has its eternal existence, even when unaware of this – we are joyfully observing humanity’s long anticipated awakening process approaching fruition. All is proceeding beautifully. The chaos, conflict, and confusion in so many areas is drawing to a close because the collective intent to awaken has intensified enormously over the course of this current Earth year. The human collective intent has limitless power when finely focused, and it is now being focused very intently on being loving whatever arises. Obviously each one you holding that intent – because you are each the One that is the human collective – is extremely effecti


V's Amazing Orgone and Shungite Creations to order, send an email to Marge  ORGONE PYRAMIDS: Giza Pyramid 2.3 oz.  Embellished clear with large central amethyst, brass added metals and glass $32 2” Tri-cornered pyramid 1 oz. Embellished clear, large central amethyst, decorative metals, glass $22 2” Tri-cornered pyramid 1 oz. Turquoise, Oregon sunstone, gold metal powder, brass, metal coins $22 POWER DISKS: --Place under pharmaceuticals or beverages; anti-radiation, good under pillow for sleep; 1.4-1.5oz. 2.75” Flower of Life added color, resin, shungite $22 1.6-1.8oz. 2.75” Shri Yantra  gold metal powder, shungite powder, resin $22 2.6oz. 2.75” Shri Yantra   red & gold resin & shungite $34 PENDANTS:  Resin and Shungite Holy Symbols Pendants LARGE: 2: diameter;  backed with shungite (EMF protection) on black cord    $22 ea  Metatron    Large Om Golden Ganes